Frontend Favicon

After last two updates, the front-end favicon does not show up. On the admin side, it shows up.

Hi @ABWosp,

Thanks for reaching out.

I could be due to cache since it’s usually active in front view of the side. Plus, I see broken elements in your site’s source code. And it’s because of this

<div id="fb-root"></div> <script>window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
          appId   : '379155819160246',
          xfbml   : true,
          version : 'v2.1'

      (function(d, s, id){
         var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
         if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
         js = d.createElement(s); = id;
         js.src = "//'.$tco_fb_locale.'/sdk.js";
         fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
       }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

You place an embed code within <head></head> instead of within the <body></body> and that breaks it. And below that code is the code for favicon. Please remove or move it in the correct place, <div></div> does not belong to <head></head> block .


Sorry, I don’t think I understand any of that. I did have a Facebook plugin that I uninstalled recently. It could be random bits of code left over after i deleted? But I don’t understand how to fix that…

Hello There,

The code may have been added in your child theme’s functions.php file since it cannot be found in your WP dashboard.

With regards to the favicon, the favicon of the admin panel is displaying because you have added Admin Favicon plugin. For the front end, it should display because you already inserted a favicon in Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Site Icon. In your front end, I do not see that it is being implement. I even disabled the Autoptimize and WP Super Cache plugin and still none of the favicon is displayed. There must be something that is causing this.

Could you please post the contents of your child theme’s functions.php file?

Thank you in advance.

How do I do that?

Hi Marie,

You can go to WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Editor and flick on the Theme Functions link:

Then you can select and copy the code there and share with us:

kindly get back to us with the result of the steps above and URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case if you still have problems.

Thank you.

Do you mean in the parent theme? Because I don’t see those options under Appearance in child theme. I see Appearance>Themes, Customize, Wigets, Menus, Edit CSS, Sidebars (and edit CSS just has additions I’ve made).

Hello There,

If you do not have WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Editor in your dashboard, it means that you are not allowed to edit the files within your dashboard. You can only access the files using ftp. Would you mind providing us the url of your site with login credentials so we can take a closer look and fix the issue?

To do this, you can make a post with the following info:
– Link to your WP login
– WordPress Admin username / password

  • FTP Hostname
  • FTP Username
  • FTP Password

Thank you.

Hello There,

I can see that you added the secure note.

Please also include the FTP details so that we can check your theme files. If you do not have one, then we could not check the theme files. And I would suggest that you contact your hosting provider and ask them how we can change or edit a file via the WordPress dashboard.

Thank you in advance.

Hello There,

Could you please change the FTP password. It is not working for us. I use that given password, it returns that it is incorrect.


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