Footer style does not stick

Despite having the styling applied, the footer background color does not appear.

Inspecting in Chrome doesn’t show the CSS either


Can you confirm that you are fully updated? (Theme and Plugins)

You can find the latest version numbers here: ( Then you can compare them to what’s installed on your site.

If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.

This could also be a cache issue, please try to clear plugin cache, browser cache and system’s cache(under X> settings) then check again


Pro – Child ThemeVersion: 1.0.0
ProVersion: 2.2.4
WP Version 4.9.7

The ONLY plugin installed is TinyPNG but even deactivated didn’t change any results.

All Cache has been cleared.


I can’t replicate this issue in my test sites.

Can you provide us your wordpress admin login in Secure Note


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