Footer not showing up

Hello support team,

I have just created a new footer called Footer 2.0 and made it the global footer.

However, Footer 1.0 keeps showing up on the site.

Any idea as to why footer 2.0 is not displaying?


  • Daniel

Hi @dstro003,

There might be 2 problems that I checked your website:

  1. Please update the theme to version 2.1.6 and clear the cache.
  2. Please add a simple Footer with just a text and assign there and see if it works. If not then it should be a problem of the cache and you need to make sure the cache is clear both in the WordPress and your Browser. If needed contact your hosting service provider.
  3. If the sample Footer works and the Footer 2.0 not, then it might be a problem in the footer you added. Maybe you forgot to close an HTML tag or something like that.
  4. Please go to Pro > Settings and click on Clear Style Cache.

Thank you.

Thank you for the help!

I have solved the problem.

  • Daniel

Glad to hear you got it sorted, Daniel.


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