Footer jumps to sidebar

On our live environment we see a very strange bug. The footer jump to the side and become sidebar, see print in secure note.

  1. Yes, we have flushed all cache.
  2. Yes it only applies to one sort of pages.
  3. Yes it’s a global footer not an specific for there pages.
  4. No it does not replicate on dev environment due to that we don’t copy the code for every small little change we do on the live.

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in! Upon investigating this issue further, I see that you’re not fully updated. Please update your Pro theme and outdated plugins.

You can check the latest version numbers from here ( and follow our update guide here (

After updating, make sure to clear style cache under Pro -> Settings page and also purge your server cache, clear browser cache before testing.

Let us know how it goes.

It does not apply to any other page. Some bug in the template system.

We do not want to update live/production yet.

Hi Bracas,

Please provide us the direct page URL that has the issue, so we can take a closer look.

In the meantime, please switch to parent theme or remove the modified templates on your child theme, and see if that resolves the issue. Also, please audit those problematic page content and make sure there is no unclosed <div> tag (or any unclosed tag).


Yes this was the issue. Knew exactly where to look, this I should have been thinking about! many thanks! Put this into your debugg tracking for the users if you have this sort of document. We had one too much closing tag </div>

Hello There,

Unclosed </div> tag may have happen when you insert a custom html code on the page. So please review each of your posts and pages.

Best Regards.

Yes I know.

If you need anything else we can help you with, don’t hesitate to open another thread.

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