Footer anomaly in mobile only

Our clients’ site shows a dropshadow/bar near the 3 social icons (Pro Footer) in mobile only.
We see no syntax errors, rogue code, or other ‘hidden element/factor’ that could be causing this.

See screenshots:
(Desktop is fine, mobile shows gray bar)

Hi @drewmooredesign,

Thank you for writing in but I can’t see the issue on my end. Did you resolve it by increasing the height of your footer bar?

Please clarify.


HI @friech-

No, we have not been able to resolve it, and still show that gray ‘bar’ underneath the social icons in mobile.
I’m seeing this on an iPhone 6s Plus, X, and Samsung in PST/Los Angeles, as is our Developer in Austin, TX on his iPhone X and android devices. Dumped cache, and even re-started iPhone and still seeing this right now:

Hi @drewmooredesign,

Thank you for the clarification, The footer bar’s height is short (on iOS), please set that Bar’s height to auto and just apply a top and bottom padding to give space above and bottom of the footer content.

Another thing is I see a Line element on the 3rd container of your footer, I’m not sure what that is for but would you mind removing that or just hiding it on mobile view using the Hide During Breakpoints feature.

Hope it helps,


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