Fonts not updating using Customiser - X-themes Pro

Hello. The X-Themes Customizer has suddenly stopped updating the fonts with any changes. Instead, all fonts are displaying as Times. I’ve disabled any plugins that had been recently installed. Any ideas? Thanks in advance

Hey @gus.mcdougall,

Are you using the Font Manager? If so, please try turning it off then enabled it again. See

If that does not help, please give us WP Admin access in a Secure Note so we could check your setup.


Thank you for your kind words, Gus. Please uninstall the Typekit extension (because Typekit is already integrated in X and Pro) and setup your Typekit font in Pro > Launch > Templates > Fonts. Click on the T icon in the lower left corner of the interface.

After that, select your Typekit font for one of your font template.

The last thing to do is choose your font template in Typography settings.

Hope that helps.

Thanks again Christian. May seem a stupid question but could you let me know how I update the body copy font size now please? Every time I enter a value in the REM field it reverts to blank and nothing has changed. Thanks again

It looks like a bug. The setting in Appearance > Customize is overriding it. You currently need to edit in the Customizer for this. Please also note that that setting will increase your content’s font size. That means all content including your headlines will scale up provided that you use scaling units like em, rem, vh, vw and %.


Hi there! I’ve enabled the font I want in Pro with TypeKit, but when I go to select the fonts in the Customizer -> Typography section, I can’t find a “Body Copy” option or “headings” option from the dropdown, and my new font isn’t listed.

Hi There,

Please try switching to parent theme and switch it back to the child theme and see if that resolves the font manager issue.

Please get used to PRO > Launch > Theme Options as we are kind of moving away from the Appearance > Customizer


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