Feint line when using section top separator

When I use section separators i often (but not always) get a feint line between sections. I have tried changing margins which sometimes helps when I am editing the page but when I save the page and look at the front end the lines often come back.
I did try using the css on this page https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/angle-separator-rendering-line-on-preview/9620/5 but it had no effect. I did try changing the values in the css but that didn’t help either.
Do you have any suggestions for how to fix it?


I can’t seem to access your site.

It’s timing out.

Please check box-shadow and border settings.

Set all to zero.

The site is hidden behind an “under construction” plugin so to see the front end you have to be signed in.

I just checked the things you mentioned and it is already all set to zero.

I have noticed that sometimes the back end looks fine but when you view the front end these lines appear. Sometimes vice versa.

Hey @hypnorich,

Your site could not be accessed.

I saw a similar issue in the past but could not replicate it now so it might have been fixed. Please ensure you’re using the latest versions. In the past, I saw this happening when you use a curved in or angle in separator. Please try switching your section’s separator so for example, if you’re using angle in top separator for your bottom section, use an angle out bottom separator in your top section.

If that does not help, please fix your site so we could see what’s causing the issue.


Thanks for letting me know about the problem accessing my site. Seems that the “www” HAS to be added to the URL and it works fine. I’ll get on with fixing that now.

Thanks for the tip with which separator to use in which bit. I’ll give that a go.

You’re welcome.

OK, I just tried swapping round tops and bottoms and got the same problem. If you want to look at my site if you use “https://wwww” before the URL it should work ok…fingers crossed!
(ps. just tried tweaking the margins and it removes the line on the back end but not the front)

Hi There,

Please refer to the reply of Kory on the bottom of this thread

Hope it helps

If you read my original post I linked to this exact post and said that I had tried using this css but that it hadn’t worked. I just tried it again and have got the same result…nothing :frowning:

Hey @hypnorich,

I added the code below in your Global CSS to temporarily fix this issue.

[class*="x-separator"][class*="bottom"] {
    bottom: 1px;
[class*="x-separator"][class*="top"] {
    top: 1px;

I’ll post this to our issue tracker so that our development team could be made aware once they go through the list of reports.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

That worked. Thanks

You’re more than welcome, glad we could help.


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