Featured image on blog page

I’ve used some code to hide the huge featured image (which by the way I’ve used on none of the 50 odd X sites I’ve built!)
It is also hiding the featured image on the blog index page and I can’t for the life of me work out how to get that to display!


Hi Lisa,

Please update this code:

div.entry-featured {
    display: none;


body:not(.blog) div.entry-featured {
    display: none;

The blog index page has the blog class added to the body area so what the code above hides the featured image to all the entry-featured class except the blog page.

You can read more about the CSS :not selector here:


Hope this helps.

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thank you but it didn’t make a difference https://www.moontimes.co.uk/the-moontimes-blog/

also, the product images have vanished from this site when I try to hide the big featured image

Hey @lisacole1,

I believe you only want to hide the featured image in your single post like https://www.moontimes.co.uk/2018/06/who-needs-drugs/?

If so, please remove the codes related to the featured image to ensure there’s no conflict then use this code instead.

.single-post .entry-featured {
    display: none;

If that does not help, please provide WordPress Admin access in Secure Note so we could check your setup.


thank you, it may be that there are other issues with the site as it has been behaving strangely. So if it looks weird please let me know!

Hi There,

I’ve just removed this custom CSS from the top of your custom CSS.

body div.entry-featured {

Everything should be fine now.


superstar thank you!
similar problem here with shop images not showing up

Hi again,

To fix the issue please find and remove the following code from this site as well:

body div.entry-featured {
    display: none;

Hope this helps!

that gives me back the images in the shop but puts the featured image back into the post content - http://www.depthphysiotherapy-oxford.co.uk/physiotherapy-at-affordable-prices/
I don’t want the featured image in the posts to appear because it looks awful if I let X put it in. It looks better if I do it by hand.
I do want the shop images to show up.


Hi again,

You can make use of the following code:

body[class*="woocommerce"] .entry-featured {
    display: none;

Hope this helps!

sorry, you are not understanding me.
On posts and pages, I do not want the featured image to show up large at the top of the post.
I do want the featured image to show up in archives.

On the shop I want the featured image to show up.

At the moment the shop is fine but the featured image is showing up large at the top of every page

Hello @lisacole1,

Thanks for updating the thread.

Please try out following CSS and let us know how it goes.

body[class*="woocommerce"] .entry-featured {
    width: 50%;
    margin: 0 auto;


thank you, it is nothing to do with the woo shop now, that is working fine.
On all the pages I have a double image because the featured post is showing up in the content area.

I don’t want the featured post to be in the content of the posts or pages.

This used to work

.single-post .entry-featured{

but it doesn’t now

Look at http://www.depthphysiotherapy-oxford.co.uk/physiotherapy-at-affordable-prices/
That smaller featured image should not be there.

When you have seen this I will take your new code out because I don’t want the shop images to be smaller either.

Hi There,

Please change this custom CSS to this:

.single-post .entry-featured,
.page-template-default .entry-featured {
	display: none;

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

totally perfect, thank you so much!

You’re welcome. Glad we could help.

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