Featured image not appearing in portfolio gallery

I’m using X with the revue stack. I have a series of portfolio items with the gallery media type selected so that they will display all of the images attached to them as a slideshow. However, I’ve noticed that if I set one of these images as the featured image, is disappears from the gallery slideshow. I’ve noticed this for all my portfolio items and if I switch the featured image, the new featured image no longer appears in the slideshow. Is this normal? It makes the most sense for my project to select an image from each gallery as the featured image for the gallery, but I still want it to appear when visitors click the link to view the gallery. I’ve tried switching back from my child theme to the unmodified x theme and deactivating all third-party plugins but that doesn’t fix the problem. Here is a link to some images to illustrate the issue: https://we.tl/mkPMWVw4mf


Please, to verify your problem better, could you post some logins details in a secure note and we`d be happy to take a look.

P.S: You can search by “secure note” on this article if you don`t know about this: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/themeco-support-overview/288

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