Feature image on posts shifts upon load

When I click on one of my posts, and the post page opens, the feature image looks like its loading in the right spot, but then it suddenly shifts to the left and is off center. Also, some of my body text is going over into the sidebar… Any clue why this could be happening???
Here is an example:

Hello @StacieB,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

Please update X Theme to most recent version 6.0.4 as you are running old version 5.2.5. I can see that you are using latest version of Cornerstone and that may cause compatibility issues with the version of X Theme that’s on the website. Please update X Theme and let us know how it goes.



I’ve updated to the latest version of X and the post page is still not behaving. The image starts out centered and then jumps to the left. Is there anything else that could be causing this?

I figured it out. I forgot that I had added some code in the custom javascript to make the sidebar start below the masthead, but I don’t need it anyway because I figured out how to set it up that way without adding code.

Thank you for the suggestions!

Hey There,

We are just glad that you have figured it out a way to correct the said issue.
Thanks for letting us know!

Best Regards.

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