Fatal error: Call to undefined function x_get_view() in /wp-content/themes/pro/index.php on line 16 -- On Fresh Install!

Fresh install, as noted above, of WordPress. With ZERO plugins and no child theme. I saw this: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/php-fatal-error-uncaught-error-call-to-undefined-function/4739 but the last question the member poses wasn’t answered. Is the “<?php x_get_view( x_get_stack(), 'wp', 'index' ); ?>” call correct? That said, what else could it be if that call IS correct?

I’m growing quite desperate as many who have posted AFTER me have received attention.

Hi @kelleychambers,

Thanks for writing in.

Please try to reinstall your setup again. This usually occurs when your updates or installation is interrupted or something has prevented to install your setup properly.

Let us know how it goes.


I’m having this same issue but with an older install. I was trying to update X theme, and now my website only says:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function x_get_view() in /home/mmoya/womenonthemovetx.com/wp-content/themes/x/template-layout-full-width.php on line 17

Can I please get some help? Thanks.


As mentioned above, this is usually happens when one of the X theme files are corrupted. Could you please try manually updating your X theme. Please follow our guide here (https://community.theme.co/kb/updating-your-theme-and-plugins/).

If you’re still having any issues, make sure to open up a new thread so that we can look into it.


Hi. Well, I’ve tried three times; each time downloading from my client portal. I really need your help in solving this error. It’s been going on much too long.

Hi @kelleychambers,

What URL has this issue? I checked the domain you provided in your secure note and it has the different theme. And please provide your admin login credentials as well so we could directly check it.


Hi there. Yeah, those were just the FTP creds. So, It’s the dev site not the live site; dev.tinyhousetrailersusa.com

Hi there,

The installed theme is incomplete, maybe your Wordpress’s install process is failing due to your host file system issue. I went ahead and installed your theme through FTP.


Thank you very much. Though it’s strange; I used Softaculous to install it twice and manually the third. I wonder what could have possibly been different when you installed it?

Hi There,

When the files are corrupted, it needs to be replaced when installing again. Usually the already existing files will be ignored when uploading theme which may have caused this issue.
