Fade-in animation timing is too late

The timing from your fade-in animations is triggered way to late when the concerning item is already all the way in the viewport.
This looks very ugly, users might think the site is broken or no more elements would follow, also this timing behaviour is totally unusual and buggy to users. As this is supposingly just a number on the scroll-spy config, where/how can I fix this bug right away please? When do you plan to fix this globally for everyone ?

Hi Hei,

Thank you for writing in, I can’t replicate this issue on my end, the fade-in animation of a column start right when the column gets about in the middle of the view-screen, if your animation is too slow to be seen please adjust the Duration.


If the column is ‘about in the middle of the view-screen’ is what I’m talking about. If the column is only quarter or half the screensize tall, this is what you get with a half finished script. Every normal scroll-reveal or lazy loading-script checks how much percentage of the element (here the column) is visible not how far up the top is, which seems to happen here.
So clearly a bug as the height wasnt taken in consideration unfortunately. How to fix it please?

Hi Hei,

Would you mind providing us with your website URL so we can take a closer look?

Please also try testing a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third-party plugins, and see if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.


Why should I look for a conflict if the behaviour you stated shows up ‘when the column gets about in the middle’ ???
Have you read the previous posts at all before posting your standard answer ?

Why do you waste my time if thats a well known issue to you and many other customers ?
‘I can’t replicate this issue’ sounds really a bit silly and unnecessary after reading this post, dont you think ? https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/column-fade-effect-appears-too-late-when-scrolling/11312/5

Instead of supporting your plan seems to be to filter out your known bugs you cant or dont want to fix anyway with your standard sentences instead of addressing it right away. You could at least be so fair to save us the time.

URL in the secure note…

This answer is seriously an insolence.

Hi Hei,

Sorry if it’s sounded that like. This was added as feature requirement and will be in future enhancement. The fade in effect is triggered by javascript so it wouldn’t fade in right away, and it happens on your site that the slider too isn’t rendered right away so the position of empty columns are exactly in the viewport area. But it works as expected once the slider is displayed since it’s pushed down and when scrolled, the columns fade in. I’m not saying it should be ignored, but it’s already on our list.


Maybe you should get yourselves a hi-res screen. When the slider has loaded the columns fade in as soon as they are COMPLETLY in the viewport on large screens. That might be your expected behaviour but not anyone else’s as you read.

On side note its my ‘humble request’ that you have your colleagues stop wasting time and post standard answers on topics they dont know anything about. Also one person answering is enough and less time-waste for everyone. We had it on nearly every support-question now…

Hi Ede,

Yes, I did that on hi resolution screen. Except I don’t have 4k display, again, this is already added to our issue tracker.

I read those threads and both related to fade in offset but with difference scenarios at least for some. Example, one is due to content nearest to footer where it doesn’t fade in at all.

And in your setup, it happens on the middle as the slider is about to load. Everything starts hidden and only triggered upon scroll and not upon load so yes, it’s a bit annoying to see them hidden while loading. We can’t have official answer for this as it could be different from each issues so all we could do is add almost similar thread to the single issue tracker. That’s why we have to check it first and providing some procedures that you could check while we’re waiting for the information you’ll provide like site URL.

But yes, I agree that all of them are related to fade in. Rest assured that this thread is also added to the same issue tracker we had so we could compile multiple issues and so we could investigate at once.


Ok, but it’s not correct. As for the slider-loading bug I havent even put the animation on the first column after the slider to work around that. Again the issue appears after the slider has compeletly loaded and is indepent from it. You simply dont take the height of the columns in consideration once again.

Hi Hei,

I see, in that case you’re seeing differently than what I’m currently seeing it. We’ll check that too, that’s why we have to gather information first and provide you some temporary troubleshooting guide that we could offer since it varies from end to end. Noted that and we’ll continue checking the fade in issue.

And the trigger is not about the height of the column, it’s the scroll position within the window where it’s within the area of the column. And the trigger is only functional once the page and its script is fully loaded. I’m not saying it’s what you’re getting but please provide a video recording, it will be helpful in our investigation.


It’s PRECISELY this issue everyone is seeing but you https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/column-fade-effect-appears-too-late-when-scrolling/11312/3

Hi Hei,

Yes, elements do not appear until almost 50% in view on some cases and it’s been added to our issue tracker. But it’s different on how I’m seeing from your site. It’s actually 10% upon load and blank (minus the height of the slider since it’s not loading), which is why we have to investigate it on every angle. All I’m asking is what you’re seeing since I seeing it differently, and of course some troubleshooting guide that users could perform while we’re waiting for the information that they will provide.

And on that second thread, he wishes to trigger it by 20% and I agree that people have different preferences and that’s why we added it to our issue tracker as requests.

Again, I’m not saying they aren’t fully related and I can assure you these are added to our issue tracker but unfortunately, there is no temporary workaround if that’s what you’re requesting. But again, would really help if we could see what you’re seeing as it could really help us investigate it further, but it’s not mandatory. Or perhaps, may I know what screen size you’re testing it with? Maybe I’m just overlooking some issue from my end.

Thanks for understanding.

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