Ethos child theme: adjust position widget right main side bar

I would like to have my text widget right next to my picture widget? Is this possible and how?

PS: I’ve limited html/css knowledge :wink:

Hi Ellen,

Thanks for writing in! As you have enabled a maintenance page, we need a way to access your site and provide us with the exact page URL that you’re referring.

You can use the secure note option below your posts, if you need to provide your login credentials.


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Hello There,

Thanks for providing the credentials. Instead of having the image widget and the text widget, please remove the the image image and insert the image in your text widget. You should be using this as your text content:

<img class="attachment-thumb alignleft" src="" draggable="false" alt="" aria-describedby="describedBy-0.6965691951616799" style="width: 120px;">

Leuk dat je een bezoek brengt aan <strong>Go Flitter</strong>!

<em>kamperen/reizen op een slimme, handige en praktische wijze
Ik wil jou informeren met tips en storytelling door beeld en tekst. Mijn thema’s zijn bijzondere en ook praktische oplossingen on-line en off-line. Hopelijk zeg jij na het lezen dan ook: <strong>"my stay, my way!"</strong><em>

Heel veel inspiratie toegewenst!

<em>Lees hier meer over mij….</em>

Ellen B.utterfly

The final result:

Hope this helps. Please let us know how it goes.

Dear @RueNel this is a very nice solution. My original plan was to have the text ‘My way, my stay…’ on the right site next to my picture. Also using the black lines. The other text ‘Leuk dat je…’ should be on the original spot. What do I’ve to do to make this happen :wink:

PS I understand you’re html code :relaxed:


Your login no longer works so I can’t check your site.

Try adding alignleft class to your ‘My way, my stay…’ text also.


Sorry @paul.r I don’t understand. I want text ‘My way…’ on the right so I think it is alingright. @RueNel adviced to put in my text widget and that can be done. The widget including ‘My way …’ has no text option only a title field.

I tried to find the CSS in X theme but can’t find the right spot…

Thanks for helping out!

Hi Ellen,

Please try to add everything in one Text Widget element add use this code. Please leave the widget title blank:

<p class="alignleft"><img width="100" height="181" src="" class="image wp-image-363  attachment-100x181 size-100x181" alt="Go Flitter profielfoto Ellen Buwalda eigenaar auteur" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"></p>

<div class="textwidget">

<h4class="h-widget">MY STAY, MY WAY: Inspiratie voor, tijdens en na het kamperen en reizen!</h4>

<p>Leuk dat je een bezoek brengt aan <strong>Go Flitter</strong>!</p>
<p><em>kamperen/reizen op een slimme, handige en praktische wijze<br>
Ik wil jou informeren met tips en storytelling door beeld en tekst. Mijn thema’s zijn bijzondere en ook praktische oplossingen on-line en off-line. Hopelijk zeg jij na het lezen dan ook: <strong>“my stay, my way!”</strong><em><br>
<p>Heel veel inspiratie toegewenst!</p>
<p><em>Lees hier meer over mij….</em></p>
<p>Ellen B.utterfly</p>


thanks @Jade almost there :wink: The only thing I need to adjust is putting the text “kamperen/reizen” centered beneath the picture like this and jusing

                              <em> kamperen/reizen op een slimme, 
                              handige en praktische wijze </em>

I tried by adding some extra p’s but didn’t succeed.

Many thanks!

Hi @epbuw,

Would you mind sharing us the URL of the page where it is located so we could have a better view of the page.

As of now, not sure what to suggest and what are the changes that you want to achieve.

Thank you so much.

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