Essential Grid: multiple videos in one lightbox


I am trying to have one essential grid item trigger a lightbox with a video gallery. In other words, I want one grid item to open a ligthbox with multiple videos that can be navigated through the “next” and “previous” arrows. I can make a grid item play one video using alternative source, but can’t get it to play multiple videos.

Is this possible? Thanks so much!!


Unfortunately, it isn`t possible because you can add only one video per light box.

Thanks for the reply.

Is it possible to show a video and still images in one lightbox? How would I do that?

Hi There,

Yes. Please check this guide:

hi - this sounds good in theory, this is what I WANT it to do… But it is buggy…

I have the opposite issue, I WANT only the one vid to play in each lightbox, and I am using a unique selector to achieve this … AND it is trying to load other vids as next / previous.

I have spent hours testing and troubleshooting this and have written it up in 2 different posts for 2 slightly different ways the issue is presenting (but they are related) …

… can you please review these posts and help me ASAP. Thx so much.

Thanks so much.

Hi there,

This issue is different from yours, this is for the grid while the issue you’re having in your thread is related to lightbox shortcode. It’s different, but we’ll be more happy to check your issue, let’s discuss this on your thread :slight_smile:
