Essential Grid lightbox not loading post content

Hi there,

When I’m using the essential grid and I select the post content to show in the lightbox, I get the message that the content is not available.

I’ve tried this on multiple browsers/networks but no luck. My plug-in, theme and wordpress are all up to date.



Hi Sam,

Thanks for writing in! When testing your referenced links, I see that you’re getting a [HTTP/2.0 404 Not Found when loading light-box.


I see that you have around 34 active plugins and since it’s your live site, we need your permission to disable your plugins etc or you need to troubleshoot this issue further by deactivating your 3rd party plugins.

If the issue persist, try regenerating your permalink settings by head over to Settings -> Permalinks area. You just need to select the option postname and save the changes to reset your your .htaccess files.

Let us know how it goes.

I tried both of the above options but had no luck with it, but please do what you need to, permission granted, thank you!

Hey Sam,

This might have something to do with your web host blocking admin-ajax.php. Please ask you host if there is any issue related to WordPress’ admin-ajax. Please tell us their findings and also give us FTP access.


The issue was with the host, as follows:

I have found the reason of the error. It appears that it is Mod_Security block. Mod_security is an Apache module that helps to protect your website from various attacks. Mod_Security is used to block commonly known exploits by use of regular expressions and rule sets. We installed a Mod_Security for increasing the security of our servers. It is an Apache module which works as a web application firewall. It blocks known exploits and provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications. Its activity may cause such issues from time to time, when requests sent to the server match with mod_sec rules. Sometimes such requests are false-positive.

All fixed now, thanks for your help!

Glad you were able to resolve it :slight_smile:

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