Essential Grid - autoplay / fullwidth

Having some issues getting autoplay and fullwidth to work.
Can you let me know if there’s anything I’m doing incorrectly in settings.

Also, the navigation does not show on the preview for pagination within EssentialGrid editor - is this normal?

Unable to get autoplay to work on Essential grid with X Pro Theme
With both pagination and autoplay on - no change in the live version.

When I select fullwidth options I only get fullscreen results.
I’d like the grid to run fullwidth like the header image - it’s currently set to: EVEN 3:4 Fullwidth

I changed my page template to:
Blank - No Container | Header, Footer page

This has fixed the issue for FULLWIDTH
however, I still cannot get the AUTOPLAY feature to work.


Hi There,

Could you please double check your admin account?

I was unable to login.

Thank you.

Can you retry with these details thanks

Hello there,

Unfortunately, the given login details is still not working. Kindly double-check.

Also, I can see shortcodes showing on your site. This is due to your Cornerstone elements not being rendered. Please make sure Cornerstone plugin has been activated, then clear your style cache in X > Settings afterwards.

Thank you


Can you please retry the login - It should work fine now.

I had a conflict with a plugin opening up the wrong customiser which has caused the render isssues across the site.

Hope your suggestion fixes those new issues.


Hey @myoshka,

The login now works but, it does not have admin rights. Please give us admin level access.


Sorry i must not have saved the update. Please retry you should have administrator access now.

Hey @myoshka,

I’ve replicated the issue in my test site so this looks like a bug in Essential Grid as I tested it with the default theme and still it doesn’t work. I’ll post this to our issue tracker. Please stay tuned for updates.


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