Error: Pro collapsed navigation takes two taps to work

Hi Team,

Would appreciate some input here. On mobile & table, while using the Navigation Collapsed element, I am running into an issue. The first time I tap on a sub link, I am not taken to the linked page. I need to tap a second time before the browser goes to the new page. Any ideas why? This was happening on Pro 2.5.5. I’ve updated and cleared all caches a few times but nothing seems to fix it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You can test this for yourself here make sure you test it on a real device such as a smartphone or tablet. Thanks!

Hi Hunter,

Thank you for writing in, but the URL you provided is can’t be reached, please check.

In the meantime, please update your Theme (and Cornerstone) and Wordpress to the latest version to make sure this is not a compatibility issue.

Updating WordPress
Updating Your Themes and Plugins

Remember to clear all your caching features (plugin, server-side, CDN, and browser’s cache) after updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.


Hi… the link works as i tested it before posting and just tested it again, it works. As i stated, im already updated to the latest versions and have cleared all caches.

Hello Hunter,

I had to use VPN to view your site. It does not load in Chrome with normal connection. I checked your site in my mobile phone and I could not replicate the issue. I can easily tap in your submenu links once and the page will load.

I recommend that you clear your mobile browser cache or use private browsing mode in your mobile.

Please let us know how it goes.

Hi Sorry for the late reply, but I have tested all of those things prior to posting here, and I am having the issue. That is the reason i posted here. Please reccomend a way to fix this. Thanks!

Hey Hunter,

Like Ruenel, I’m also able to open the links in one tap. Please watch the screencast in the secure note. Would you mind telling us if we’re testing the correct links and if so, what Phone Operating System and browser are you using? Please give us the OS and browser name and version.


I think it was a bug with Safari. I was able to get it to work on other browsers and with a new update it is working on Safari.

Thanks for your help!!!

Glad to hear it works on your end now,


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