Envira gallery support - changing row height based on screensize

Hi Guys,

I have an envira gallery on a Pro 3.0.4 site I am building and I need to modify the automatic layout row height based on screensize

I have looked at the css and can’t see what needs to change. I suspect this might need a JS solution

Currently I have a base setting of 360px (see screenshot), and I would like to increase that to 400px for XL screensizes and decrease it for M, S, & XS screensizes.

Can you point me in the right direction please?


Hi Scot,

Thanks for reaching out.

The Pro theme has no direct relation to responsive nature of Envira Grid or any bundled plugin. In your screenshot, there is is a Mobile tab and Envira Gallery is only limited to that setting.

I would recommend Essential Grid, it may not have device specific dimensions but still responsive. And you can decide how many columns per device group.

Please check this too https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/extension-essential-grid/68


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