Envira Gallery Licence not valid

Hi there,
Just update this site to latest version X & C/S. the issue of the Envira Gallery Licence, mentioned and I believe sorted in previous version has returned.

Attached is a snapshot showing the error.



Hello Rick,

Thanks for writing in!

Please ignore the message as of this moment. There is already a standing entry in our issue tracker list. Our developers were already made inform about this issue.

To know more how this plugin was integrated in the theme, please check this out: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/extension-envira-gallery/67

Thanks for that @RueNel

I have made no changes to the way I have been using Envira Gallery, including but not limited to adding anything into the functions.php file.


// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Overwrite or add your own custom functions to X V5 in this file.
// =============================================================================

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 01. Enqueue Parent Stylesheet
// 02. Additional Functions
// 02.1 Addition of Sucuri Security Seal
// 02.2 Updates year in footer
// =============================================================================

// Enqueue Parent Stylesheet
// =============================================================================

add_filter( ‘x_enqueue_parent_stylesheet’, ‘__return_true’ );

// Additional Functions
// =============================================================================
// 02.1 Addition of Sucuri Security Seal
// =============================================================================
function sucuri_trust_seal() {



add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘sucuri_trust_seal’, 99999 );
// =============================================================================
// 02.2 Updates year in footer
// =============================================================================
function year_shortcode() {
$year = date(‘Y’);
return $year;
add_shortcode(‘year’, ‘year_shortcode’);
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================

This is my functions.php content.



Hello Rick,

This is a known issue with Envira Gallery. Just make sure that you are using the latest versions.
Our latest versions are:

  • Pro theme 2.2.5
  • X theme 6.2.5
  • Cornerstone 3.2.5

This latest release contains fixes for several issues so be sure to check out the changelog (http://theme.co/changelog/).

If you are still seeing the Envira Gallery license message, there could be a plugin or something that is blocking the script that removes the message in your dashboard. You can ignore this issue as it does not interfere in anyway of the theme features or in any plugin.

Hope this helps.

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