Enable Native WordPress Responsive Images

Hi Themeco,

How can I re-enable native WordPress Responsive Images? https://make.wordpress.org/core/2015/11/10/responsive-images-in-wordpress-4-4/

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! Please be advised that we do not remove nor modify any of the native WordPress features. This feature should be present when you insert an image in the default WordPress editor. If you are editing the page using Cornerstone, you should always insert the image within the text element so that it will have this native feature. If you are using the image element, then this feature is not available because the image element in Cornerstone has a different structure when compared to the native image you have inserted in the default WP editor.

Hope this explains it briefly.

Thanks for the explaining RueNel, the reason I asked was in theme files:


line 66:

  // Disable WordPress 4.4 Responsive Images
  // ---------------------------------------

  add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_srcset', '__return_false' );

I have added an image using the defaut WordPress and responsive images are still not working. I believe this is because of code which I provided - as I asked, please let me know how to re-enable esponsive images.

You’re welcome!

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