Elements Disappear when Editing Headers

The thread for this was closed due to a delayed response:

Original Thread:

My response to previous reply:

You can replicate it by trying to edit anything inside of the header, “Main Test”. If I make a single adjustment, everything will disappear, which make me have to save and refresh the page to see my changes. I’ve updated to latest version of WP with no change.

Here is a video of it happening in real time:

Hi @rebeccapeterson,

I can see the issue. Though there’s no information on the error on the console. There are mixed content errors for the images but that might be unrelated.

There’s no child theme so this is not a result of customization.

I then tried to assign it on another pages to make sure this is not a result of mismatch html. The same issue exist.

I also add a test blank header and that’s where I saw an error. Preview timeout
Checking your setup, you do have a lot of plugins. 20 active out of 39. Can you please make sure that memory is enough for this setup?

You may increase your allocated memory by adding this code in your wp-config.php (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/troubleshooting-increasing-php-memory-limit/16935)

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

You may also check on your Wpengine setup if memory is enough. Let us know how this goes.

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