Edit with Pro tab missing - SOLVED

UPDATE: I figured out the solution in permissions. Shouldn’t have underestimated myself ; )

Hello, I’ve read another post about this. The Edit with Pro tab has disappeared from my page when I’m creating a new blog post. I saw in the reply to someone else that the answer has to do with Permissions and then you provided a link the change log. I’m not a designer and not tech-savvy and reading through the change log is not very helpful for me. A bit overwhelming.

Is it possible to get more specific instruction from someone here about what I need to do in my site to get this fixed? Hoping so! Thx : )

Hello @Lindsay_Tenth_Moon,

Glad to hear that you got the solution. Yes, in permission manager you can activate Edit with Pro button. To lean more about Permission manager, please take a look at following article:


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