Dynamic Content inside the Promo element does not seem to work

Hi There,

I am very excited to use Dynamic Content on my sites. My initial attempt to use it is in a Promo element content section where I use Advanced Custom Fields to display field data for the current post. It works great in Cornerstone and shows everything perfectly. However the live site does not work at all. None of the content shows.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Ken,

Thank you for writing in, I tested this on my dev site but I can’t replicate it, would you mind providing a walkthrough on how we can replicate the issue?


Hi there @friech,

I have a page that I use essential grid to sort and display posts, each post is a xtheme promo element. I am trying to use Dynamic Content to show data associated with each posts Advanced Custom Fields. As I said it works great in Cornerstone but when the page is actually rendered none of the ACF data is shown.

Even when I go to the post page it doesn’t work.

Essential grid page - http://goldcountryletip.com/members/
Post page - http://goldcountryletip.com/alain-dandrade/

If I inspect the page the HTML is there but there is no data.

Here is the content in the promo, the hard coded post stuff works but the Dynamic Content stuff at the bottom does not.

[acf field="letip_member_badge" post_id="1554"]
<h3 class="man">[acf field="letip_member_name" post_id="1554"]</h3>
<h4 class="man">[acf field="letip_member_company" post_id="1554"]</h4>
<h5 class="man">[acf field="letip_member_category" post_id="1554"]</h5>
<h5 id="bio" class="man">[acf field="letip_member_position" post_id="1554"]</h5>
<p id="bio" class="man">[acf field="letip_member_phone_number" post_id="1554"]</p>
<p id="bio" class="man">[acf field="letip_member_fax_number" post_id="1554"]</p>
<p id="bio" class="man">[acf field="letip_member_office_address" post_id="1554"]</p>
<p id="bio" class="man">[acf field="letip_member_mailing_address" post_id="1554"]</p>
[x_gap size="10px"]
<div id="bio">
[acf field="letip_member_bio" post_id="1554"]
<div id="testimonial">
[acf field="letip_member_testimonial" post_id="1554"]
[x_gap size="10px"]
<div class="member-promo-link-kenny" style="display: inline-block">
[acf field="letip_member_email_address" post_id="1554"][acf field="letip_member_website" post_id="1554"][acf field="letip_member_linkedin" post_id="1554"][acf field="letip_member_facebook" post_id="1554"][acf field="letip_member_twitter" post_id="1554"][acf field="letip_member_googleplus" post_id="1554"][acf field="letip_member_youtube" post_id="1554"]

{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_badge"}}
<h3 class="man">{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_name"}}</h3>
<h4 class="man">{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_company"}}</h4>
<h5 class="man">{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_category"}}</h5>
<h5 class="man">{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_position"}}</h5>
<p id="bio" class="man">{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_phone_number"}}</p>
<p id="bio" class="man">{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_fax_number"}}</p>
<p id="bio" class="man">{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_office_address"}}</p>
<p id="bio" class="man">{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_mailing_address"}}</p>
[x_gap size="10px"]
<div id="bio">
{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_bio"}}
[x_gap size="10px"]
<div class="member-promo-link-kenny" style="display: inline-block">
{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_testimonial"}}
{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_email_address"}}{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_youtube"}}{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_twitter"}}{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_facebook"}}{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_linkedin"}}{{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_website"}}

Thanks for your help.


Hi Ken,

I’m not sure the reason of using dynamic content when you’re just pulling it from ACF. How about just adding the ACF shortcode directly?

Please check these other related threads



I was previously using this format “[acf field=“letip_member_phone_number” post_id=“1554”]” and it works but I would like it to be dynamic which is why I am trying to use the new dynamic content stuff.

for some reason I can’t access the link you provided.

I would really like to use Dynamic Content. It would make my life much easier.

Hi @kpilcher,

Sorry for the confusion, the ACF value should be pulled along with Dynamic Content. In the meantime, would you mind providing your admin login credentials in the secure note?

I’ll check what’s going on first.


Thanks, I have added my credentials in a secure note.

Hi @kpilcher,

I checked and it looks like this is a bug. I’ll add this to our issue tracker. For now, please use AFC shortcode as a temporary workaround.

ACF is dynamic itself, I’m not sure what you mean to make it more dynamic. Are you expecting a different display when using Dynamic Content + AFC than just ACF shortcode? If yes, would you mind providing more details about it like information about what you’re trying to achieve?


Hi @Rad,

Well I would like to pull the current posts AFC data without having to specify the specific posts ID with the shortcode. Nothing I have tried works. I was hoping that the new Dynamic Content feature would work for me. That’s really all I am trying to do.



Hello Ken,

With the dynamic content, you still need to use a post ID when displaying specific posts.
Like this one: {{dc:post:title post="1234"}} and displaying a custom field for a specific post should also need an ID: {{dc:acf:field field="letip_member_name"}}. If no ID is added then, it will only check the custom field of the current post or page that you have place the dynamic content.

Hope this helps.

Hi @RueNel,

Sorry for the confusion. I am trying to pull data for the current post only not a specific post. The problem is that when I use {{dc:acf:field field=“letip_member_name”}} I get data when in Cornerstone but when I display the page on the site there is no data. @Rad looked at it an believes there may be a bug.

I would like to know if there is any other way to pull the current posts ACF data.


Hello Ken,

Since our developer has been made aware of this as an issue, I will bump them to follow up on this.
Once the have investigated this, a fixed will be rolling out in a patch update.

Thank you for your understanding.

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