Dropdown menu showing underneath main menu


I have created a Pro header and all is good apart from the ‘Popular’ button and drop-down menu is showing underneath the main navigation. I’ve tried adjusting the z-index on the bars/containers/elements (which I’ve been doing anyway as you will see the logo on the left needs to appear above/overlap the top bar) but I can’t work it out. Can you help?

Many thanks,


Hi Sara,

Thanks for writing in! Upon checking, I see that you’re not using the updated version of Pro theme. You can check the latest version numbers from here (https://theme.co/changelog/) and try updating to the latest version and see if that resolves your issue (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/setup-updating-your-themes-and-plugins/62).

If you’re still having issues, then remove your custom CSS rules added to your site and further test your issue.

Let us know how it goes.

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