Double H1 problem


Very big problem: I have a double h1 on every my page. One I setted manually, and one setted by default with visually-hidden (i saw it on the source)

I’m using Pro Child + Pro

How can I delete the visually hidden h1? Thanks!

Hey Simone,

Are you referring to the site title?

If so, the quickest solution would be to use a Pro built header. That way, you’ll replace the Classic Header which the visually hidden site title is a part of.

If you don’t like that solution, you will need to do some customization and the first step is to go to Pro parent’s \framework\legacy\cranium\headers\views\global and copy _brand.php to your child theme’s \framework\views\global folder. Open the copied file and delete remove this line:

<?php echo '<h1 class="visually-hidden">' . $site_name . '</h1>'; ?>

Just note that if you do this, no Site Title will be shown in case you remove your logo in Theme Options > Header.

If you’re concerned about SEO, I’d just want to add that the double h1 is not an issue. See my explanation here.

Hope that helps.

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