Does one have to look after the responsive settings?

But even that help only takes me a little way to the next unwelcome mystery.

Hi James,

You have the right impression, that is the Toggle border-radius.

I can see it on your screencast at 0:58s mark., please check.


Thanks for that! Now I’d like to know why I can’t modifiy the thickness of the lines making the burger please

Hello James,

1em is roughly 16 pixels. If you want a thinner hamburger size, please use px unit instead.

We would love to know if this has worked for you. Thank you.

It must be something else as well. I’ve entered the same settings as shown in the image. Why did it work for you?

Hello James,

Take also into account the graphic margins above the graphic toggle options. I have tested it in your site and this is what I am getting;

Hope this helps.

The exact same thing on this end leaves me with what you see!

Hey James,

It’s weird because the setting on my end works. And in your screen, they are too thick. How thick or how thin you want the hamburger it to be so that I can set it up for you to finally resolve this issue?


I’m not exactly sure - perhaps half as much as the space tween them? I’m having a number of interface issues that are extremely dispiriting. It’s getting so I dread opening the application. I posted another Q about cornerstone and how I can’t seem to find it. The scrolling function is unreliable and the constant need to click on on "yes proceed’ is making me mean.

Hello James,

I think I remembered that in one of your thread, you are not using the “Actual Size” of your browser screen. Check your browser screen first and then edit your header and adjust the toggle size again.

Please let us know how it goes.

Hello James,

I went ahead and edited your header instead.
I’ve set the size to 2px and the spacing is 10px.

Hope this helps.

I’ve changed nothing and look what I get on my end

Hi James,

That is weird. Have you taken a look at it on a different browser?

Hi James,

So, let’s keep this thread about the hamburger menu and make sure that we fix the problem. I am not sure what changes have done after the last response but I want to show you how I see the Hamburger menu:

It is showing correctly for me. I am using the latest version of the Chrome browser on Mac. I asked my colleague to check with Chrome on Windows and he reported back and he sees exactly what I shared in the screenshot above.

I will appreciate you follow the steps below:

  • Purge the cache and disable the cache plugin. It is not recommended to have the cache plugin while developing the website and it may cause problems.
  • Check the builder with another machine and see if you see the same problem.
  • If you see the problem only on your machine it might be the problems below:
  • The extensions of the browser that you use might contribute to the problem.
  • Try clear your browser cache as that might contribute to the problem.
  • Check the builder with another browser on your machine to see if it is machine-specific or browser-specific.

Kindly consider that the point above is the best guesses we could have regarding the issue you are experiencing with the Hamburger menu as we can not replicate the same problem and we do not have access to your machine.

Thank you.

THANK. I left a login in a secure note for you. I’ll submit another.

Hey James,

We have a known issue with the Burger lines and we now know what’s affecting it. it’s the Minimum Font Size of the Chrome Browser. I’d like to go back to Ben’s suggestion to quickly check if that is also your case.

If there’s no issue with other browsers like Firefox, it’s certainly the Minimum Font Size of Chrome. You can disable that by clicking the 3 dots at the upper right corner of the browser.

Click on Settings > Appearance > Customize fonts

Make sure the Minimum font size is set to Tiny.

That is, by the way, the default setting of Chrome.


At last! some practical help! Thanks, that seems to have done it in Chrome. I then opened in Safari and the issue was remedied as well. Not sure why it would have been in both from the beginning and don’t care to. I’ve plenty other issues. like for instance the scrolling…which as I check now seems to be resloved as well.


You’re welcome!
We’re glad @Christian_y were able to help you out.

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