Display Custom Post type [custom] Category Name in X theme archive page

I have 3 custom post types but I’d only need the following 2 to be displayed in archive pages:

  1. venue (category taxonomy: venue-category, tag taxonomy: venue-tag)
  2. supplier (category taxonomy: supplier-category)

The issue is that the Category Name and Description does not show up in these category archive pages.

Please see this link

Hello There,

Thanks for posting. This issue is because custom post type is not included on the filter on _landmark-header.php that handles the display of Category Name and Description. It’s not included because we can not guest the custom post type, tags and categories a user might add. To add it, feel free to copy _landmark-header.php file from this folder: \wp-content\themes\x\framework\legacy\cranium\headers\views\integrity to your child theme folder here: \wp-content\themes\x-child\framework\legacy\cranium\headers\views\integrity. Then open the copied file and update as necessary.

Hope this helps.

Hi Lely,

Thank you. This helped. This was more of being lost in the folder renames and relocation, in the latest version of X theme.
Your help is much appreciate.

You’re welcome! :slight_smile:

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