Disabled footer is included in page

I have a page where an old footer’s HTML is being included in one specific page of my site. Other pages seem to be OK.

Here’s the page in question: https://pbttcorp.com/about/

I’ve disabled caching and verified that the code is still there. I’ve also deleted the old footer, so I’m not sure what else to do.

Hey Chris,

Your about page footer is the same as other pages. Here’s what I see.

If you deleted the footer and yet it’s showing, it’s surely a caching issue. Disabling caching won’t delete the cache so please clear all caches including your browser’s cache. Also, check your site using other browsers.

Hope that helps.

Sorry I wasn’t clear: it is not showing, but the HTML is still included in the page. Use dev tools to see that the element e96-14 is in the markup but set to display: none.

Hi Chris,

The element in question is only visible when the browser screen is small. You can shrink your browser window and you will that the element shows.

Please go to Pro > Footers and select the footer in question. Then please click the responsive mode icon at the left side of the screen and select a smaller width from the top to show that element in the footer.

Then select that element and delete it if you do not want to have that element.

kindly get back to us with the result of the steps above and URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case if you still have problems.

The footer in question has been deleted, yet the markup is still there in the page (only the About page). Please login to the site with the credentials in the secure note and you will see there is only 1 footer.

Hi Chris,

Thank you for the credentials, but this is getting confusing so let me clarify this first.

This is the only footer on your site and it is set as the Global footer, right?

So it’s only rightful that footer will show up on the About page. I’m sure that is the same footer because I added an ID to the bars of it.

The e96-14 markup that you’re referring to is the mobile bar.

Which you hide on all screen size, that is why you see the markup of it in the source-code, but that is not the footer you deleted.


Ugh, I’m so sorry. I had an original design I was working off of, then it got simplified. I didn’t realize I kept the original in case I needed to go back to it. Thanks for helping. As always, Theme.co support is the best!

You’re most welcome,


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