Desktop image appearing first on mobile

I have the background image on the rev slider hidden on mobile yet it is appearing since I did the update. Please look at the first slide at this url on mobile.
Thank you

Hi @Jennine,

I have checked your slider and I could not find any code the hides the background image. Would you mind providing us a screenshot of your settings or maybe give us access to your site so that we can carefully check your slider?

To do this, you can create a secure note with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WordPress Admin username / password

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out:


sure I attached it. Thanks

Hello @Jennine,

You created the homepage in Pro editor and added a custom css:

/* landing-page */
/* .padding-slide .slotholder{
  padding: 0 8%;
} */

/* media queries */
@media only screen and (max-width: 607px){
  #hero-slider .tp-bgimg.defaultimg {
    background-image:none !important;
  .e50-9.x-off-canvas, .e50-9.x-off-canvas .x-off-canvas-content{
    padding:30% 0;
    font-size:90px !important;
   margin-top: 23px !important;

The css will only work in screens smaller than 607 pixel wide.

Do you know why It is still showing on mobile then? It shows for the first second then the correct mobile slide appears. How can I fix that please?

Hi Jennine,

Your navigation visibility is set to be hidden on screen-width 601px, if need to adjust this because of tablet’s screen-size 979px and some iPhones that have larger screen view than 601px on landscape view.

Navigate to Slider Settings > Navigation > Thumbs and look for the Visibility options.

Slider Navigation

Hope it helps,

Would you mind looking at what is happening on mobile?
Here is the url:
It appears… then disappears right away. It wasn’t doing that before. I don’t want it to appear at all on mobile at all

Hey @Jennine,

I loaded your site on my phone and I didn’t see the navigation. Please try clearing your browser’s cache and also check in incognito and other browsers.


my concern is not with the navigation. It is the first slide on the carousel. the background image that i have hidden on mobile is appearing for the first second… then disappears as it should. my question is…why is it showing up at all? It shouldnt be. I have display: none on it.
Thank you

Hi Jennine,

This is what I see when the page load on mobile:

Do you mean you wanted to have the slider not display on mobile at all? Kindly provide some clarification so that we can check it.


please see attached screenshot. Thank You

Hello @Jennine,

Please update your custom css and use this:

/* media queries */
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
  #hero-slider .tp-bgimg.defaultimg {
    background-image:none !important;
  .e50-9.x-off-canvas, .e50-9.x-off-canvas .x-off-canvas-content{
    padding:30% 0;
    font-size:90px !important;
   margin-top: 23px !important;

We would loved to know if this has work for you. Thank you.

i moved the css fo background image to the media querie above it and that worked. Thank you

You’re welcome!
Thanks for letting us know that it has worked for you.

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