Default footer menu & copyright info not formatted (Pro)

I’m working on my first official Pro site, having just moved up from X theme to Pro.

In the past, the footer section was centred and the footer menu was horizontal. However, it is a vertical menu, which looks strange and everything in the footer is on the left of the screen.

How would I fix this?



This is how your footer looks like on my end.

The contents are centered.

Please clear your browser cache and check again.


I had to add a footer in to do that, as using the built in footer just made everything unformatted

Hi there,

This might be caused by the Child Theme that you have installed before converting to Pro. Kindly read the article below for more information:

Also, it is important that you clear any possible cache you have as a plugin or on your server.

If the problem persists we will be happy to take a look at the case. Kindly get back to us with the information below:

  • WordPress Dashboard URL
  • WordPress Dashboard USER
  • WordPress Dashboard PASS
  • The name of a page which you see the footer unstyled.

Thank you.

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