Date Stuck on Connects Report in Convert Plus Plugin


First of all I want to say that I really enjoy using the convert plus plugin. Lately, I have noticed that all the leads at the connects report (when I download the excel file) are stuck at the date 27/06/18 even when they are from a different date.
I was running few tests to confirm that, for example ive filled a form today (8.7) and at the report the date was 27/6/18.

Is there anyway to fix it?


Hey Dafna,

Regretfully, I have not encountered such an issue with ConvertPlus yet so what I could currently advice is you ensure everything is up to date according to our version compatibility list at Please follow the best practices when updating your theme and plugins. See for more details.

If that doesn’t help, please give us WP Admin access so we could see your setup and try replicating it on our test sites so we could check if this is a bug.


Hey @liorgo81,

Please try deactivating ConvertPlus and update to the latest version.

Also try deactivating ConvertPlus UTM and, please give us the steps to arrive to the issue. What is the URL of the specific form you’re testing?


while trying to test a form, I have noticed there is another problem. there’s an extra field in the form, this field does not appear at the original form. im sending images for example.

If I deactivate the plugin, is the data (the forms and the contacts list) backed up?

Hello @liorgo81,

Thanks for updating the thread. :slight_smile:

Please try the solution mentioned in following thread to remove extra field:

Deactivating plugin should not have negative impact on the data.


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