Customer create an account

Hi, does X Pro have any built in functionality to allow users to create an account on my website or do I need to download a third party plugin for this?
I notice there is a Sign Up button on one of the header templates but this is not linked to anything.

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! Sign up or a feature to create an account in a WordPress site is a basin feature of WordPress it self. Simply go to Settings > General > Membership and enable it. The New User default role must always be set as a “Subscriber”.

You may then use “Meta Widget” in your sidebar or header widget area so that you can have the login/sign up area for the users. The default url for the registration form is this:

Please see the codex:

Hope this helps.

Hi there thanks for the reply.
So when this “register” link is followed it is taking me to a default wordpress login/register screen. I suppose what I am asking is how can this be customised so that it doesn’t look so “Wordpressy” and maybe have the sign up form as a pop out modal window with custom styling?
Again do I need an external plugin for this?
Many thanks

Hi There @danbentonsmith

If you have a specific requirement, you will need to either use a plugin that offers some of those features. Check the following resource to see more information about plugins (

The other option would be to contact a developer or a service to implement those features. X is quite extensible with child themes, so there are plenty of possibilities.


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