Hello There,
Thanks for writing in! You are experiencing the issue because the header and footer were not included in your custom template. You will need to have other template files to do it properly. Please follow these steps:
1.) Please create a new file in your computer and insert this code:
// =============================================================================
// archive-monatsblatt.php
// =============================================================================
<?php x_get_view( x_get_stack(), 'wp', 'monatsblatt' ); ?>
2.) Save this file as archive-monatsblatt.php
and upload it in wp-content/themes/x-child/
3.) You will also need to create another file and insert this code:
// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Index page output for Icon.
// =============================================================================
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div class="x-main full" role="main">
<div class="x-container offset-bottom">
<?php x_get_view( 'global', '_index-monatsblatt' ); ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
4.) Save this file as wp-monatsblatt.php
and upload this file in wp-content/themes/x-child/framework/views/icon/
5.) You will create another file again and this time, it should have the contents of _index.php
// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes the index output.
// =============================================================================
$stack = x_get_stack();
if ( is_home() ) :
$style = x_get_option( 'x_blog_style' );
$cols = x_get_option( 'x_blog_masonry_columns' );
$condition = is_home() && $style == 'masonry';
elseif ( is_archive() ) :
$style = x_get_option( 'x_archive_style' );
$cols = x_get_option( 'x_archive_masonry_columns' );
$condition = is_archive() && $style == 'masonry';
elseif ( is_search() ) :
$condition = false;
<?php if ( $condition ) : ?>
<?php x_get_view( 'global', '_script', 'isotope-index' ); ?>
<div id="x-iso-container" class="x-iso-container x-iso-container-posts cols-<?php echo $cols; ?>">
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php if ( $stack != 'ethos' ) : ?>
<?php x_get_view( $stack, 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php x_ethos_entry_cover( 'main-content' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php x_get_view( 'global', '_content-none' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php x_get_view( $stack, 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php x_get_view( 'global', '_content-none' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php pagenavi(); ?>
Please make your modifications first if you have any.
6.) And then saved this file as _index-monatsblatt.php
file and upload this in wp-contents/themes/x-child/framwork/views/global/
When you view the page, http://stage.fcg-bielefeld.de/monatsblatt/, you should no longer be having any error.
Please let us know how it goes.