Custom layout for start page, which includes masonry blog posts


Within Customizer I can select a fullwidth layout and masonry design for the last posts.
But this layout contains a container.
How can I add a section above and additionally below this masonry posts, which is fullwidth WITHOUT container -> Like Template 6 (No Container, No Header, No Footer)? But only for these two sections -> Masonry Post section should keep the container.

Thanks in advance!


Hi there,

The point is that you can not add additional information to a page which is set as a main blog posts page in Settings > Reading the section in your Wordpress installation.

This can be achieved via customization. The implementation will be outside of our support scope but we will try to give you the guide:

You will need to add the Child Theme to your installation.

Then kindly add the code below to functions.php file of your child theme:

function custom_landmark() { 
 if(is_home()): ?>
    <div class="custom-landmark">
      <div class="x-container max width">
  <?php endif; 
add_action('x_before_view_ethos__landmark-header','custom_landmark', 30);

Replace SOME TEXT CONTENT HERE with whatever code you want to add above the blog page with or without the container.

Thank you.