Custom CSS and Custom JS not loading entirely

Dear Support!

I have custom developed an order page offline, which i want to use on my webpage with Wordpress.

I inserted the css and js to the Content CSS and Content JS part in the builder, however it does not work.

When I check the source of the page on the front-end, this thing comes up:

It seems like, after this truncation, it closes the tags, and the full code is not inserted into the page.

Is there a way to overcome this problem?

Thank you in advance,

Hello @Pbalazs89,

Thanks for writing in!

Though you haven’t shared the full screenshot but it seems that there might be a syntax error. Please make sure that there’s no syntax error and that the code is entered under Pro > Theme Options > CSS/JS.

You can also add the code in child theme. For more information, please take a look at following resources.


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