Create a Stacked Footer

I’m trying not to use UberMenu when creating a footer (so I can centralize the stylizing within Pro Footer vs the UberMenu plugin). I’m wondering how I can

  1. Build a stacked footer in Pro Footer and/or
  2. How I can stylize an UberMenu footer in Pro Footer.

(By stacked I mean not having the drop down – being able to see the entire footer and its sub links)


Hi Anish,

We can utilise GLOBAL BLOCK.
1.) Add a Global Block
2.) Add section and then Navigation Collapsed element in it. Inspect this element and then on Customize tab > Element CSS add the following:

$el .sub-menu{ display:block;} /*This will display sub links by default*/

3.) On this element settings, design it as needed.
4.) On your footer add the global block with menu.

Ubermenu should always be styles on it’s Settings and not on Pro footer. See this guide.

Hope this helps.

This definitely helps @Lely – thank you!

You’re welcome!
We’re glad @Lely were able to help you out.

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