Counter Not Working Anymore

Hi guys,

I’m getting the "Uh oh, html is not enclosed and preview may not work’ popup while Cornerstone loads a page to edit, but then loads fine.

However my counter animation stays at 0 and does not animate anymore. A lot of info I am working on gets reverted back to standard font etc - especially the counter halfway down the page. I’ve tried deactivating plugins and that didn’t work so I need someone to take a look and please let me know how to solve this head scratcher.



Hi Sam,

Thank you for writing in, I am seeing a JS error on your site with regards to Woocommerce cookies. Do your site is under an internal caching feature? If so, please clear it. If not, please try deactivating the WooCommerce and see if that resolves the issue.

Let us know how it goes,

Hi Friech, will do thanks mate I’ll let you know if that will work!

Hi Friech, sorry mate the error is still occuring after I deactivated Woocommerce

Hi Friech,

Ok I found the problem - it was a Mailchimp popup form code in raw content below the slider.
I deleted it and now works okay - do you have any idea what the best way to implement the following code would be?

“script type=“text/javascript” src=”//" data-dojo-config=“usePlainJson: true, isDebug: false”>require([“mojo/signup-forms/Loader”], function(L) { L.start({“baseUrl”:“”,“uuid”:“885b28cc3fd75813e458700df”,“lid”:“5a0d26bc4d”}) })</script"

Please note I removed the < and > at the beginning and end just to show the code here

Hi There,

Please add the code using a child theme instead and add the code on your child theme functions.php file:

add_action('wp_footer','footer_embed_codes', 999);

function footer_embed_codes() {


For more guidance, see this:

Thankyou! I’ll do that :slight_smile:

You’re always welcome!

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