I’m using X theme version 6.5.6 with Cornerstone version 3.5.5.
I’ve located the issue to only apply when x-child is activated, so I tried to download and enable a clean “default” x-child, but problem still persist.
When clicking “Edit with Cornerstone” everything is fine, but when I click “Options” in the Cornerstone menu, I get logged out, and developer console gives me this:
Rejecting AJAX promise {invalid_user: true, message: "nonce verification failed."} Transition Error {invalid_user: true, message: "nonce verification failed."} e {state: e, intent: r, router: e, data: {…}, resolvedModels: {…}, …} Uncaught {invalid_user: true, message: "nonce verification failed."}
As implied doing the same without x-child enabled, options are loading just fine.
I’ve tried to set new keys in wp-config from https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ (same result).