Cornerstone is not loading- no plugins added

We use Cornerstone for this website:

Recently, we are unable to load cornerstone. It just freezes.

Once it gave this error :

The preview could not load. This is most often related to a plugin conflict or aggressive page cacheing. Checking the developer console for errors could indicate what went wrong.

However, we didn’t have this issue before and we haven’t added new plugins.

It gets stuck at this screen:

Thank you


Hi Michelle,

Thanks for writing in! First of all, could you please try purging all of your server cache ( and also disable your Autoptimize plugin along with any other caching plugins (if you have) and re-test your issue again.

If you’re still having issues, you can then try disabling your 3rd party plugins (except Cornerstone plugin) and see if you’re encountering a plugin conflict. If the issue resolved, then you can activate your plugins one by one to see which plugin causing this issue.

If you’re using a child theme, you need to disable your child theme temporarily and activate your parent X theme by head over to Appearance -> Themes section. If the problem resolved when testing, then you need to check your child theme customizations to isolate the issue.

If you’re still having issues, please provide us with your WordPress login credentials in a secure note to check your issue further.

Let us know how it goes.

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