Cornerstone Editor loading the page then loading content editor

For some reason the cornerstone editor is loading the page and then after a second or two it launches the content editor screen. I can mod the code from the sidebar and save and it the page works and loads the content fine.

Okay so I did go plugin by plugin and it appears to be a error between cornerstone 6.5.6 and the latest version of Woocommerce.

I’m having the same error happen. Were you able to solve it? I’ve been turning off WooCommerce and working on the pages (Always after midnight)…

Not yet, I’ve adjusted php version, memory allocation, my custom php code. Nothing seems to remedy it, aside from turning woocommerce off. @erdesigns

Hi @feriamsidera,

Actually, I see you as the second person reporting this. I checked my version and it is working ok. But my version is the compatible version of Woocommerce which is version 3.6.5 as per stated here.

I suggest that you downgrade the Woocommerce plugin to the compatible version. Meanwhile, we will check the case with the new version of the Woocommerce. I will add a report in our issue tracker.

If there is a fix you will see in our Changelog.

Thank you.

Hi again,

I personally tested the case with my local installation and the version 3.7.0 of the Woocommerce and I could not replicate the issue.

I will be grateful if you can share with us the URL/User/Pass of your website using a Secure Note to follow up.

As I will need to do extensive testing I suggest that you contact your hosting service provider to have a staging version of the website, so changing stuff do not ruin the website.

Thank you for your collaboration in this matter.

I will see if I can get that going for you to make changes.

Hi @feriamsidera it could be the same issue as this here:

Can you give that one a try first?


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