Cornerstone causes an "are you sure you want to do this" error


I am using the X Theme with the WPBakery Page Builder, Various Addons, and the Cornerstone addon from themeco.

If Cornerstone is activated I get this error:

This is the only addon that causes it. It appears when I am publishing pages however the page does publish correctly.

I can ofc disable cornerstone but it’s very useful- how can I remove this error?

HI there,

Please login through FTP and go to wp-content/plugins then delete the cornerstone directory that is in there.

Then try logging back in to the admin section and Cornerstone should be automatically installed again then try to check if it fixes the issue.

Let us know how it goes.

OK I will give it a go. Thanks.

Let us know how it goes :slight_smile:

I am suddenly having the same problem after upgrading to latest versions of X and Cornerstone but the reinstall and automatic Cornerstone install still does not fix the issue. Still getting the Wordpress Failure Notice - “Are you sure you want to do this?” when publishing a new page and Cornerstone only works with existing pages. Strangely, despite this, the new page is apparently published!?

Same problem I see @MAArthur is having here:

I also tried upping the memory limit in wp-config.php but to no avail.

Some kind of WP compatibility bug?

Just to reiterate: after publishing a post and getting the “Are you sure you want to do this?” but then going back to dashboard > pages - it is actually possible to then see the newly published page and edit in Cornerstone. So the issue only occurs when it is a new page (Add page > publish). Also ‘edit with Cornerstone’ just refreshes the wp admin page.

Hi There,

Please do the following, please make sure that you did successfully increase your PHP memory limit, because some hosting provider does not allow their users manually increasing the memory limit (depends on your plan), you can use this plugin to check your memory limit, PHP version, and MySQL version. While you’re at it check your PHP version and MySQL version WordPress recommends 5.6 or later.

If that does not work, try switching to a default theme (twenty seventeen), if it fix the issue please reinstall a clean copy of PRO theme.

Also, please do a test for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

If nothing works, please generate a new set of security keys using the WordPress Security Key Generator. Copy the entire output and paste it in your wp-config.php file replacing the old key.

Let us know how it goes,

It worked, thank you.

Glad that we could be of a help :slight_smile:

For those who aren’t helped by a different security hash or more memory:

Roll back to Cornerstone 2.0.5 and freeze it and you can run it on the lastest version of Wordpress.


We appreciate the input, nevertheless we recommend keeping X and CS updated to the latest versions.

Thank you

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