Conversion from X to Pro


We are in the process of converting one of our sites from X to Pro and are running into some strange issues. I have created a new footer but for some reason the footer is being shown to the right of the various pages instead of appearing below the content. See image below

We are currently making the changes on a development server and I have provided the details for that server in the secure note below.

Help is much appreciated.

Hello Misha,

Thank you for the very detailed information. Regretfully we cannot check your site because it asked for an authentication username and password:

Meanwhile, based from your screenshot, I am guessing that you are using a child theme. Did you have any template modifications in the child theme? Please make sure that you are using the Pro child theme and then you can transfer your X child template modifications one by one to prevent or easily see any conflicts.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the quick reply.

  1. Unfortunately, you are going to our production site (which has not yet been upgraded to Pro). If you use the domain name URL you will end up on our production site. You have to use the IP address that I sent to you in my secure note to reach our development server. The development server is the one that has been upgraded to Pro and where I am running into this issue. My suggestion: I find it helpful if I create an entry in my /etc/hosts file that maps the domain name to the development server IP that will probably be the most reliable way to get to our dev server.

  2. Yes, we were using a child theme with X earlier. But we found it very difficult to maintain therefore we do not want to use a child theme anymore but just use the Pro Theme directly. I have made Pro the Active theme under Dashboard->Appearance->Themes. Shouldn’t that be sufficient? What else do I have to do to turn off any lingering side effects of the old child theme (such as the footer appearing on the side).


Hello Misha,

I have tried logging in to your dev site. I wasn’t successful because the log in url is nowhere to be found. I have also inspected your dev site and it is broken because all of the styling css, JS files and even the images is coming from the live site. Please log in to your dev site and make sure that the WP dashboard url of the staging site is the same as the site url and wordpress address url in Settings > General.

Hope this helps. Please let us know how it goes.

Hello RueNel

I think you are having issues because you are using the IP address rather than the domain name. I have updated the secure note with the instructions on how to change the hosts file of your computer. Please let me know that works.


Hi Misha,

I was able to access the dev site after changing my host file. The broken layout issue is usually closed by a stray HTML which is are HTML tags on the page that are incorrectly paired and closed that breaks the page layout.

So kindly check all the contents of the page and make sure that the HTML tags are properly paired and closed to avoid issues.

Hope this helps.


Sorry for the slow reply. Your suggestion was very helpful and we were able to finally figure out the root cause of the problem. It was a custom Theme X Element that our old team had developed. When we migrated to Pro, that element got renamed to “Classic CUSTOM ELEMENT NAME”. But apparently the code was not compatible with Pro and was causing the issue. As soon as we removed it from our pages, it started working correctly.

So, thanks for guiding us in the right direction.

Now, I have a rather dumb question… We do not want to use any of these old custom elements and we do not have ready access to our old team, so how do we easily remove the code for custom Elements from my new Pro installation? In other words, where are the files or the code for custom elements sitting. Thanks, as always.

Hello Misha,

Usually the custom elements were installed like a plugin. Please go to your plugins section and deactivate any of the custom element extensions. If you want to locate the files of these custom element, you will need to login to your ftp and browse to the plugins folder wp-content/plugins/element-name.

Hope this helps.

Thanks. I followed your suggestion and found them.

I am now running into a different issue. Editing the menus has become extremely slow; in fact in most cases my browser crashes and I am not able to edit the menu at all. I am referring to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus page.

I asked one of our sys admins to look into this (he is not a WP expert). He said that the page is generating nearly 200 MB of HTML elements! He sees thousands of tags under some “select” tag. I can save one such “select” tag and send as a ZIP file if you would like.

Do you know what may be going on? Thanks!

PS. Here is a screenshot image of the “select” tag

Hi Misha,

That select code is for Graphic Icon and it’s normal.

You might be reaching the limit of your server resources.
Please contact your host and request to increase the following.

memory_limit = 1024M
max_execution_time = 3600
max_input_time = 3600
max_file_uploads = 3600
upload_max_filesize = 2048M
post_max_size = 2048M
max_input_vars = 5000
max_input_time = 180s

Hope this helps

Thanks. Is there any way to not load the graphic icons? I do not use them in the menus.


Regretfully, they cannot be removed as it is part of the theme settings.
I’ll add a feature request so it can be enabled or disabled. Just note that all of these items are discussed with our team internally and prioritized based on the amount of interest a particular feature might receive.


Thanks. Yes, that will be a useful option because it does make the menu very hard to use on Chrome. This is less of an issue on other browsers.

More information is here…

You are most welcome. :slight_smile:

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