Contact form 7 Modal not submitting

Hello! I need some help getting my contact form modal to submit. Everything works fine, other that the form not allowing me to submit data. (*Form works fine when not in the modal)

This is the code I am using:

<div id="my-content" style="display:none;">
[contact-form-7 id="12691" title="Contact Modal"]

<a href="#my-content" class="lightbox-selector x-btn" data-type="inline">Request In-house training</a>

[lightbox selector=".lightbox-selector"]


Hi Chantel,

Thanks for reaching out.

The lightbox will only include or contain the content within the target block, but it will not re-execute the scripts that are already executed. Hence, the form will not really work.

How about using modal element within the builder?

Please check this as well


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