Column Background Image?


I would like to have text over the top of an image on a page. I found the following advice in the forum

"Hi There,

To create the layout you have showed above, you should add a row to your section.

Click Inspect the ROW: Turn On Marginless Columns.

"Divide the Row in two columns.

Add a different background to each column.

Add your elements, classic custom headline, text, button, image.

You also can use a background image instead of a image element as you prefer.

Duplicate the row.

Hope it helps"

This would seem to be a solution except I can’t work out how to ‘add a different background to each column’. The only background option in the column settings is to change the background colour. When I add an image element into the column, I then can’t layer text onto it, the text will only sit above it.

Sorry, I sorted it, I wasn’t aware I was in basic mode and needed to be in advanced.

Hey There,

We are just glad that you have figured it out a way to correct the said issue.
Thanks for letting us know!

Best Regards.

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