Clone Buttons on Different Pages

Is there any easy way to copy a button made on one page to use throughout the site?

I’d like to save things that I made and reuse them.

Kind of like how setting the brand colors always shows when I go to grab a color. When I make a button and some are made, if I could grab them instead of doing all the settings all over again etc.

Hello @verobeachmarketing,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

You can save the button as a template under Pro Theme content builder. Kindly take a look at the screencast wherein I have shown how you can save elements in template and then later on load them to page layouts as well.


Do I have to start with an empty page or can I go to a page and select an element to save as a template?

Hi again,

You’ll have to start with an empty page and save it. I think you’re looking for Global Blocks feature which is on it’s way please see

Hope this helps!

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