Classic Image nofollow link

Hi guys,

Added a link to a classic image element, but how do i nofollow it? I can only see an option to open the link in a new window. :-/


Hi Chris,

Thanks for writing in! First you need to setup a child theme and activate it ( Then try adding the following code into your child theme’s functions.php file.

function x_shortcode_image_nofollow( $atts ) {
  extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    'id'               => '',
    'class'            => '',
    'style'            => '',
    'type'             => '',
    'float'            => '',
    'src'              => '',
    'alt'              => '',
    'link'             => '',
    'href'             => '',
    'title'            => '',
    'target'           => '',
    'info'             => '',
    'info_place'       => '',
    'info_trigger'     => '',
    'info_content'     => '',
    'lightbox_thumb'   => '',
    'lightbox_video'   => '',
    'lightbox_caption' => ''
  ), $atts, 'x_image' ) );

  $id               = ( $id               != ''      ) ? 'id="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"' : '';
  $class            = ( $class            != ''      ) ? 'x-img ' . esc_attr( $class ) : 'x-img';
  $style            = ( $style            != ''      ) ? 'style="' . $style . '"' : '';
  $type             = ( $type             != ''      ) ? ' x-img-' . $type : '';
  $float            = ( $float            != ''      ) ? ' ' . $float : '';
  $src              = ( $src              != ''      ) ? $src : '';
  $alt              = ( $alt              != ''      ) ? 'alt="' . $alt . '"' : '';
  $link             = ( $link             == 'true'  ) ? 'true' : '';
  $link_class       = ( $link             == 'true'  ) ? ' x-img-link' : '';
  $href             = ( $href             != ''      ) ? $href : $src;
  $title            = ( $title            != ''      ) ? 'title="' . $title . '"' : '';
  $target           = ( $target           == 'blank' ) ? 'target="_blank"' : '';
  $lightbox_thumb   = ( $lightbox_thumb   != ''      ) ? $lightbox_thumb : $src;
  $lightbox_video   = ( $lightbox_video   == 'true'  ) ? ', width: 1080, height: 608' : '';
  $lightbox_caption = ( $lightbox_caption != ''      ) ? 'data-caption="' . $lightbox_caption . '"' : '';

  $tooltip_attr = ( $info != '' ) ? cs_generate_data_attributes_extra( $info, $info_trigger, $info_place, '', $info_content ) : '';

  if ( is_numeric( $src ) ) {
    $src_info = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $src, 'full' );
    $src      = $src_info[0];

  if ( is_numeric( $href ) ) {
    $href_info = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $href, 'full' );
    $href      = $href_info[0];

  if ( is_numeric( $lightbox_thumb ) ) {
    $lightbox_thumb_info = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $lightbox_thumb, 'full' );
    $lightbox_thumb      = $lightbox_thumb_info[0];

  if ( $lightbox_video != '' ) {
    $lightbox_options = "data-options=\"thumbnail: '" . $lightbox_thumb . "'{$lightbox_video}\"";
  } else {
    $lightbox_options = "data-options=\"thumbnail: '" . $lightbox_thumb . "'\"";

  if ( $link == 'true' ) {
    $output = "<a rel=\"nofollow\" {$id} class=\"{$class}{$link_class}{$type}{$float}\" {$style} href=\"{$href}\" {$title} {$target} {$tooltip_attr} {$lightbox_caption} {$lightbox_options}><img src=\"{$src}\" {$alt}></a>";
  } else {
    $output = "<img {$id} class=\"{$class}{$type}{$float}\" {$style} src=\"{$src}\" {$alt}>";

  return $output;

add_action('wp_head', 'change_image_schortcode_with_nofollow');

function change_image_schortcode_with_nofollow() {
  remove_shortcode( 'x_image' );
  remove_shortcode( 'cs_image' );
  add_shortcode( 'x_image', 'x_shortcode_image_nofollo' );
  add_shortcode( 'cs_image', 'x_shortcode_image_nofollow' );

Hope that helps.

Thanks for jumping in. :slight_smile:
Something went wrong there and i had to roll back the file. All the coding was showing up at the top of my site.

Hi @Naishster

Please replace the code mentioned above with this one:

function x_shortcode_image_nofollow( $atts ) {
  extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    'id'               => '',
    'class'            => '',
    'style'            => '',
    'type'             => '',
    'float'            => '',
    'src'              => '',
    'alt'              => '',
    'link'             => '',
    'href'             => '',
    'title'            => '',
    'target'           => '',
    'info'             => '',
    'info_place'       => '',
    'info_trigger'     => '',
    'info_content'     => '',
    'lightbox_thumb'   => '',
    'lightbox_video'   => '',
    'lightbox_caption' => ''
  ), $atts, 'x_image' ) );

  $id               = ( $id               != ''      ) ? 'id="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"' : '';
  $class            = ( $class            != ''      ) ? 'x-img ' . esc_attr( $class ) : 'x-img';
  $style            = ( $style            != ''      ) ? 'style="' . $style . '"' : '';
  $type             = ( $type             != ''      ) ? ' x-img-' . $type : '';
  $float            = ( $float            != ''      ) ? ' ' . $float : '';
  $src              = ( $src              != ''      ) ? $src : '';
  $alt              = ( $alt              != ''      ) ? 'alt="' . $alt . '"' : '';
  $link             = ( $link             == 'true'  ) ? 'true' : '';
  $link_class       = ( $link             == 'true'  ) ? ' x-img-link' : '';
  $href             = ( $href             != ''      ) ? $href : $src;
  $title            = ( $title            != ''      ) ? 'title="' . $title . '"' : '';
  $target           = ( $target           == 'blank' ) ? 'target="_blank"' : '';
  $lightbox_thumb   = ( $lightbox_thumb   != ''      ) ? $lightbox_thumb : $src;
  $lightbox_video   = ( $lightbox_video   == 'true'  ) ? ', width: 1080, height: 608' : '';
  $lightbox_caption = ( $lightbox_caption != ''      ) ? 'data-caption="' . $lightbox_caption . '"' : '';

  $tooltip_attr = ( $info != '' ) ? cs_generate_data_attributes_extra( $info, $info_trigger, $info_place, '', $info_content ) : '';

  if ( is_numeric( $src ) ) {
    $src_info = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $src, 'full' );
    $src      = $src_info[0];

  if ( is_numeric( $href ) ) {
    $href_info = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $href, 'full' );
    $href      = $href_info[0];

  if ( is_numeric( $lightbox_thumb ) ) {
    $lightbox_thumb_info = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $lightbox_thumb, 'full' );
    $lightbox_thumb      = $lightbox_thumb_info[0];

  if ( $lightbox_video != '' ) {
    $lightbox_options = "data-options=\"thumbnail: '" . $lightbox_thumb . "'{$lightbox_video}\"";
  } else {
    $lightbox_options = "data-options=\"thumbnail: '" . $lightbox_thumb . "'\"";

  if ( $link == 'true' ) {
    $output = "<a rel=\"nofollow\" {$id} class=\"{$class}{$link_class}{$type}{$float}\" {$style} href=\"{$href}\" {$title} {$target} {$tooltip_attr} {$lightbox_caption} {$lightbox_options}><img src=\"{$src}\" {$alt}></a>";
  } else {
    $output = "<img {$id} class=\"{$class}{$type}{$float}\" {$style} src=\"{$src}\" {$alt}>";

  return $output;

add_action('wp_head', 'change_image_schortcode_with_nofollow');

function change_image_schortcode_with_nofollow() {
  remove_shortcode( 'x_image' );
  remove_shortcode( 'cs_image' );
  add_shortcode( 'x_image', 'x_shortcode_image_nofollow' );
  add_shortcode( 'cs_image', 'x_shortcode_image_nofollow' );

As you can see, the code is almost the same and it’s correct in first place, with only one little typo that you can barely see in this line:
add_shortcode( 'x_image', 'x_shortcode_image_nofollo' );
Which should be:
add_shortcode( 'x_image', 'x_shortcode_image_nofollow' );


Thank you!

Will this have the same effect on category pages also Alaa?

Hi There @Naishster

My apologies for the typo and I’m glad @Alaa was able to fix it.

Basically this code will effect to the Image shortcode and Cornerstone’s image element as you have requested in your first post.


No problem, these things happen. :slight_smile:

I see you mentioned cornerstone, just to clarify… I’m using Pro theme. Same code? :-/ Sorry!

Hey There,

Cornerstone is integrated in Pro Theme.
The same code should apply to resolve your issue.


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