Classic Icon List Link Glitch?

Hello! I’m having trouble with links in the classic icon list in the latest version of X/Cornerstone. The code inspector shows the links are getting rendered with nref instead of href. Can we get a fix for this? Thank you! Thank you!

Hello @matternco,

Thanks for writing in!

On my dev setup I am using latest version of X Theme and Cornerstone but I am not able to replicate the syntax typo error in Classic Icon list link element.

I tried to check the website and I am not able to locate icon list element. Further checking the website I see that you are using Cornerstone version 3.5.5. Please update Cornerstone to latest version 3.5.6 to avoid any conflicts.

You can refer following resources to get started:


Thank you. Maybe my issue is that I don’t see the update to Cornerstone 3.5.6 yet anywhere. But I’ll standby for it!

Hello @matternco,

Thanks for updating the thread.

You have the option of manually updating Cornerstone. To manually update Cornerstone, please take a look at following resource and scroll down to manual update section:


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