Classic Element vs Element in Padding settings

In “Classic Element” of a Section, I can adjust the paddings size easily. I believe the default paddings are: 45px 0 px 45px 0px. I can just change the numbers in the configuration area.

But in the new “Element” of the Section, it only allows me to change the margins, not the paddings. I checked the CSS code that apply to the section, the default padding of 45px 0 px 45px 0px still apply.

How can I adjust the padding of a section now without adding Inline CSS?

Hello @joannhu,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

Can you please tell me which element you are referring too? I have recorded a screencast that you can take a look to change padding of Sections and elements respectively.


HI @Prasant,

It is the “Section”. In fact, at 0:05 of your screencast was what I referred to. I used to be able to see exactly that. But not anymore after upgrading the cornerstone. I can’t control the padding anymore. The attached screenshot is what I see now.

And I just realize that after the upgrade, I also lose the ability to control the line-height of the Text element.


Hello @joannhu,

Thanks for updating the thread.

Okay, in that case please select Always on under X > Settings > User Preference > Advanced mode.

For more details in suggest you to please take a look at following documentation.


Hi @Prasant,

I followed your instruction and now see all the settings that I used to see. Thanks a lot!

You’re welcome.

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