Chnaging color in color manager do not update sitewide

When I change some of my colors in the color manager they do not update sitewide.

I have some color that update sitewide, like my “Brand Primary” color, but I also have a “text” color that does not update for the color of the associated text elements when it is changed.

Have tried clearing your theme x style cache, it does not work. And I have no other cache plugins etc active.


Please note that for text element you need to set the color within the element.

That will override any global settings.

If you want to set it globally, you need to use classic elements instead of v2 elements.


What I am referring to is your color manager:

I created a color named “text” and set that color inside some text elements. But when I change the color of “text” inside the color manager, the new color does not update in all of my text elements where it was previously set.

It is working correctly for my other “brand primary” and “brand secondary” colors I set. When I update those colors inside the color manager it changes the color for all elements where it was previously set.

It is only broken on the “text” color I created inside the color manager.


I was able to replicate this issue on my test site.
I will forward this to our web development team for review.


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