Changing stack to integrity

I am using the icon stack and facing certain restrictions.
I wanted t know, whether changing my stack to integrity will break my site or something. I am really paranoid about this. Please help and tell me the best practices.


Hi @abheeshekj,

Thanks for reaching out.

Switching stack shouldn’t break any content or custom CSS, but it will change the design and styling of your site. And some features specific to stack will be disabled (like icon’s scrollable sidebar).

May I know what restrictions you’re referring? You can switch back anytime and it will still the same. OR, you can clone your site into staging and test it there. You can use All in one migration plugin for cloning, but instead of moving as migration, you’ll just migrate a copy of your live site as export and import to a sub-folder or sub-domain installation. Please check this


my site is already live. How can i clone it into staging

as per your suggestion, I created a cloned app in staging.
And i changed its stack to integrity. But now, there are a couple of things that I dont want such as the pages are inside a box!? I mean I can show through screenshots which I have attached.
The about me page is normal and I want the other pages like that
Please tell me whats not working

For eg.
“The Changemakers” page. The heading is inside the box too!
Please tell me how to make it normal


Hey @abheeshekj,

Your “Changemakers” page looks like it’s the default Page Template. Please use the Blank No Container | Header Footer. If don’t know how to access page templates in WordPress, please see

Please note that other parts of Integrity will really be inside a box like the single post types. See We can help in just removing the box shadows but not to the point of altering the layout.


not showing the page headline

I was able to figure out the stuff with headline and boxed pages except for the boxed layout on the “Profile” page. The buddypress one

Hi @abheeshekj,

It was part of the design per stack, hence, the layout changes when you switch stack as I said above :slight_smile: . But yes, there are page templates that you can utilize too.

As for Profile page, it doesn’t have page templates so you’ll need some CSS, or perhaps layout changes in Theme Options (full-width). I couldn’t check your staging, would you mind providing the login credentials in the secure note? I like to check that profile page layout first as I’m not sure if there is a sidebar, or it’s an actual box, or just layout.


here they are

Hello There,

We were able to view your staging site.
Please provide WP access as well so that we can log in and see your profile page.

Thank you.

i have provided the credentials above in the secure note

Hello There,

Using the given credentials, it says the username is invalid.

Please double check it.

Im sorry
I’ll send again

Hi @abheeshekj,

I’m able to check it, and you have two options

  1. First is changing your Layout to full-width in Theme Options > Layout and Design > CONTENT LAYOUT instead of Content Left, Sidebar Right. The downside of this is, it will change the layout globally (regardless of page)

  2. Or add this CSS to your global custom CSS (Theme Options > CSS)

.my-profile.profile.buddypress .x-main {
    width: 100%;
    float: none;
.my-profile.profile.buddypress .entry-wrap {
    margin-top: -1px;
    border: 0px;
    box-shadow: none;
    padding: 0px;

It will then take effect to profile page only.


I am so sorry to bother again
but, the same is happening with the post page too
I want a normal page layout. not this box for the posts. please help!


The white space is your sidebar which is currently empty.

If you want it to be full width, please install a child theme and add the code below in your child theme’s functions.php file

  function full_single_post($layout) {  
   if(is_singular('post')) {      
       $layout = "fullwidth";
  return $layout;

add_filter('x_option_x_layout_content', 'full_single_post',9999);

Another option to make it full width is using CSS

You can add the code below in Theme Options > CSS

/* make single post page fullwidth */
.single-post .x-main {

.single-post  .x-sidebar {

Hope that helps

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